There are several ways to honor your loved ones here at Genesis Farm.
Many people choose to participate in our Memorial Card program. For this program, we plant seeds in our Memorial Garden in a special service where the names of the dead are read aloud. Learn more about our Memorial Cards and seed plantings here.
Others choose to donate a fruit tree in memory of someone special. We plant these trees on our hillside Memorial Orchard. You may arrange to have cremains to lie beneath the tree.
Some people have donated beautiful benches in recognition of a loved one’s life. Benches are placed on our footpaths that wind through the meadows and woods. Each provides a tranquil spot for rest and reflection.
Please be in touch with us if these options interest you. We hope you will feel drawn to visit Genesis Farm and explore these memorial spaces.
A view of the Memorial Orchard
The Memorial Garden Program - Summer Solstice 2022